Thanks for confirming your attendance!


We're looking forward to seeing you at the ED&I masterclass, hosted by the renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Marcia Goddard on Thursday 18th April in Central Milton Keynes.

Marcia has created an updated video for all attendees, please see below. 

This will give you a deeper insight on what you can expect on the day!


(Please note - this event is now at full capacity, if you can't make it for any reason, please give us as much notice as possible so we can pass on your ticket to people on the waiting list, thanks!)

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We look forward to seeing you at the following time / location!


Join us on: Thurs 18th April 2024

Location: Aiimi, 100 Avebury Blvd. Milton Keynes, MK9 1FH

From: 9.30am - 10am registration + tea & coffees / 10am - 12pm ED&I masterclass

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